We are getting to know our daughter very quickly. She is very independent – I suspect she’s done a lot of self caring in the last 8 months. She wipes her nose and her mouth on her own and wraps herself up in her blanket. She kicks her right leg when she’s excited or unhappy and scratches her head when she is concerned. People are telling us she looks a little like Brian and I agree. Big brown eyes. She has the worried look that we saw in one of the first pictures – just like Uncle Marcus.
Yesterday she had a lot of red bumps on her head, mostly on her forehead and a little scab on the back of her head but those are almost 100% cleared up today. She’s got a bald stripe and a funny bump on the back of her head and her back is covered by Mongolian spots (which is very common). Oh, and she doesn’t like to have her head or her feet touched much, but she does like to be kissed on the mouth. That gets a smile every time.
just keep kissing her! guess i don't need to tell you that, but she's your baby girl now and forever and kisses are just a part of it! of course it gets a smile! my heart is so happy for you all!!